History Isn't So Easily Erased
No matter how hard someone tries at something to change, there is always the taint of history there with them. Twisting and skewering is simple as saying something in the past happened one way, instead of the way it actually did. It's made all the more easier then the person isn't particurly liked or cared for. Easier yet is spreading lies and deceit and turning something truthful into something perverse.
It doesn't take a bad person to be made into one. It only takes enough misteps by them to show the world that they're scum. No amount of work is going to change things done in the past. There isn't enough a person can do to erase or make up for even the simplest of mistakes. Every misdeed will be held accountable until the end of time itself. This is a law of man, or rather, humanity, to be more politically correct. Escape from this law is impossible.
Hiding layer upon layer make-up may give a respite from running from the past, but it'll always catch-up. Facing it isn't going to make things better, there will only be the feeling of a fruad left in its wake. What, I wonder, even makes such thoughts possible? No real telling can be wrote or said, but can only be. Depravity even for a merest of moments will last a lifetime. Shamefully those who are so steeped in lies will get away with the worst offenses against a fellow human being, without repurcussion. Funny how the world works.
It doesn't take a bad person to be made into one. It only takes enough misteps by them to show the world that they're scum. No amount of work is going to change things done in the past. There isn't enough a person can do to erase or make up for even the simplest of mistakes. Every misdeed will be held accountable until the end of time itself. This is a law of man, or rather, humanity, to be more politically correct. Escape from this law is impossible.
Hiding layer upon layer make-up may give a respite from running from the past, but it'll always catch-up. Facing it isn't going to make things better, there will only be the feeling of a fruad left in its wake. What, I wonder, even makes such thoughts possible? No real telling can be wrote or said, but can only be. Depravity even for a merest of moments will last a lifetime. Shamefully those who are so steeped in lies will get away with the worst offenses against a fellow human being, without repurcussion. Funny how the world works.
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